
Trademark Registration in Agra

Trademark Registration in Agra Looking to register a new trademark in Agra? ChhotaCFO is at your service! We offer Virtual CFO service solutions for Start-ups, SME’s and Corporate Enterprises...

Accounting Services in Sharjah

Accounting Services in Sharjah Accounting refers to the system of recording, classifying and summarizing business and financial transactions and analyzing, verifying, and reporting the...

Trademark Registration in Coimbatore

Trademark Registration in Coimbatore Looking to register a new trademark in Coimbatore? ChhotaCFO is at your service! We offer Virtual CFO service solutions for Start-ups, SME’s and Corporate...

Accounting Services in London

Accounting Services in London Accounting refers to the system of recording, classifying and summarizing business and financial transactions and analyzing, verifying, and reporting the...

Trademark Registration in Bangalore

Trademark Registration in Bangalore Looking to register a new trademark registration in Bangalore? Chhota CFO is at your service! In the competitive business landscape, protecting your brand is...

Accounting Services in Dubai

Accounting Services in Dubai Accounting refers to the system of recording, classifying and summarizing business and financial transactions and analyzing, verifying, and reporting the...

Road Map For Rights Issue

Road Map for Rights issue Sl.NO PARTICULARS REMARKS 1. Cut-off Date The shareholders of the company to be considered as on cut-off date. *Meaning of cut-off date:  It is the date fixed for taking...

Time limit for share allotment -FEMA & Companies act, 2013

Time limit for share allotment -FEMA & Companies act, 2013 As per FDI Regulations read with FEMA, the share must be allotted against share application money received from non-resident within 180...

Issue of share certificate as per Companies Act, 2013

Issue of Share Certificate as per Companies Act 2013 Applicable Provisions: Section 46 (issue of share certificates) and sub-section (4) of section 56 (relating transfer and transmission of...


Shareholders Agreement services in Bangalore Welcome to Chhota CFO Shareholders’ agreement services in Bangalore. A shareholders’...

Services For Non-Executive Directors

Services For Non-Executive Directors An individual who serves on a company’s board of directors but does not occupy an executive position is...


Service Level Agreement An agreement between two or more parties, one of whom is the client, and the others are service providers, is known as a...

Venture Capital Company Registration

Venture Capital Company Registration A company that assists in giving tiny, emerging, early-stage start-ups financial support might be referred to as...

Term Sheet

Term Sheet A term sheet may also be referred to as an MOU, or memorandum of understanding, or a letter of intent. Term sheets are the first set of...

Shop & Establishment Registration

Shop & Establishment Registration Shop and Establishment registration denotes that your business has been granted a licence within the purview of...