How to register a blogging company in India

How to register a blogging company in India You would register a company that runs a blog if you have a money-making blog. A blogging company must first be registered as a limited liability company, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, etc. it is not required that you use a Pvt ltd company or an LLP; […]

Corporate taxes

Corporate Taxes What is a corporate tax? A corporate tax is a tax imposed on a company’s profits. Taxes are levied on a company’s taxable income, which comprise revenue less the cost of goods sold (COGS) general and administrative (G&A) expenses, selling and marketing, R & D, depreciation and other operating costs. Corporate tax rates […]

Online FSSAI License in India

Online FSSAI License in India Food Licensing and Registration System provides the Food License also known as FSSAI License, which authorizes to sell food under the Company/Brand name for which license is being obtained. As per Section 31(1) of FSS Act 2006 Food Licensing is mandatory for Food Business Operators in India. FSSAI is the […]

Bio-data/resume format for freshers 2021

Bio-data/resume format for freshers We at ChhotaCFO received many resumes every week some of them are good but most of them look unprofessional so in this article, we’ve covered a few best practices and standard resume format. Biodata or resume is basically our professional identity. It is through this only we get our jobs. A […]

Rubber stamps India online maker

Rubber stamps India online maker If you are looking for information related to Rubber stamps for your company then you are at right page. Being a best Virtual CFO firm in Bangalore India, we get lots of enquiry where they seek for basic information about Rubber stamps – in this blog we have covered all […]

DPT 3 due date, notification, extension, one time return form

DPT 3 due date, notification, extension, one time return form DPT 3 form is the deposit return which is necessary to be filed by every company per annum. In case of government companies, deposits are accepted as per the statement mentioned in section 73 with the said rules. DPT 3 forms are made in terms […]

Top 30 tally interview questions and answers

Top 30 tally interview questions and answers 1. What is Tally?Ans- Tally is powerful accounting software, which is driven by a technology called concurrent multi-lingual accelerated technology engine. 2.For what functions Tally can be used?Ans- Tally Can be used in the following areas- Performing basic accounting calculations. Inventory management Calculating Job costing Payroll management Filling […]

11th (XI) bank bipartite settlement

11th (XI) bank bipartite settlement According to the 11th Bipartite wage settlement, officers and staffs will receive a 15 raise in the pay slip component and also from FY21 a performance linked incentive (PLI) that public sector banks will implement. This provision will be effective from November 1, 2017 to October 31, 2022. The purpose […]

Are you facing difficulty while incorporating a company on MCA portal?

Are you facing difficulty while incorporating a company on MCA portal? Are you facing difficulty while incorporating a company on MCA portal? Here is the STEP WISE PROCEDURE for better learning and understanding in Simplified manner. SL.NO PARTICULARS INFORMATION 1. SPICE+ FORM As part of Ease of Doing Business (EODB) initiatives, the Ministry of Corporate […]

Form DPT-3 Exempted Deposit

Form DPT-3 Exempted Deposit Introduction The companies always plan and carry the financial transactions in many ways and accordingly availed the deposits, loans and advances from directors, Shareholders or various public Financial Institutions. MCA has introduced the E-form DPT-3 with an intention to report the complete details of Exempted Deposits i.e, Loans or advances taken […]