Annual Return of Small companies

Annual Return of Small companies Annual Return of Small companies & OPC – Form MGT 7A Earlier, every Company (Public/ Private/ OPC) was required to file Annual Return in Form No. MGT-7. On 5th March 2021, The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) amended Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 and issued Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment Rules, 2021. Further to the […]

GST Amnesty Scheme gets extended

GST Amnesty Scheme gets extended Due to the negative impact of the pandemic on small businesses, small taxpayers found it difficult to complete pending compliances under the GST Amnesty Scheme. Furthermore, small taxpayers lacked the resources to file the pending GSTR-3B by August 31, 2021. Because of these concerns, the department has decided to extend […]

Provisions Relating to Advance Tax

Provisions Relating to Advance Tax A gist on provisions relating to Advance Tax (Sections 207 – 219) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 SL. NO. PARTICULARS INFORMATION/ INPUTS 1. Liability to pay Every person whose estimated tax liability for the year is Rs.10,000 or more is required to pay advance tax. (Section 208) 2. Persons […]

How to make money from selling on amazon and flipkart?

How to make money from selling on amazon and flipkart? You’ve always wanted to sell something on the internet, right? Accept the fact that not everyone can build a successful ecommerce business like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos or Flipkart’s Sachin Bansal, but anyone can join their journey and make it big. On Amazon and Flipkart, there […]

How to avoid notices from Income Tax Department?

How to avoid notices from Income Tax Department? “Prevention is better than cure”, Well ! All of us have heard this quote very often, taking preventive measures to avoid notices from department is definitely a better way-out than curing the defects with consequences. Planning your taxes well will elucidate the matter than thinking to evade […]

Form- DIR-3 KYC For Foreign Director

Form- DIR-3 KYC For Foreign Director Directors Identification Number (DIN) is an identification number issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India, to applicants who propose to be Directors on the Board of a Company or Designated Partners of an LLP. DIR 3 KYC Filing is a yearly compliance to be filed by all […]

All about Articles of Association (AOA) under Companies Act, 2013

All about Articles of Association (AOA) under Companies Act, 2013 1. What is Article of Association (AOA)? The Articles of Association is similar to a rule book, within a company. This document contains internal detailed governing aspects of the company’s organisation. These include shares, (issue and rights attached), details in manner of holding the company […]

Procedure For Filling Form FCTRS

Procedure For Filling Form FCTRS FC-TRS Meaning of Form FC-TRS: The literal meaning of Form FC-TRS is Foreign Currency Transfer of Shares. This form is filed in case of transfer of shares of an Indian Company from a resident to a Non-Resident/Non-Resident Indian or body corporate outside India and vice versa through its authorised dealer […]

Failed to Establish Connection to the Server Solution at Mozilla, Chrome IE

Failed to Establish Connection to the Server Solution at Mozilla, Chrome IE FOR gst Goods and Services Tax (GST) has been introduced by the Indian government. All the indirect taxes are replaced by GST and various rules and softwares to operate it are being followed. To use DSC ( Digital Signature) Registration ‘ EmSigner’ is […]

How to file income tax by NRIs

How to file income tax by NRIs First and foremost, what is an NRI and who is an NRI? The abbreviation NRI stands for Non-Resident Indian. These are Indian citizens who work and advance their professions in countries other than India. The IT act, on the other hand, has a different definition of NRI. the […]