Founders Agreement Services in Bangalore

Founders Agreement Services in Bangalore

Founders Agreement Services in Bangalore We at Chhota CFO provide a proficient and reasonably priced Founders’ Agreement preparation and registration service in Bangalore. Our team of knowledgeable and skilled attorneys can assist you in crafting a unique and all-inclusive Founders’ Agreement that meets your company’s objectives and demands. We also handle all the paperwork and […]


DIFFICULT TO INCORPORATE A COMPANY ON MCA PORTAL ? Here is the Simplified STEP WISE PROCEDURE for better understanding: SL. NO. PARTICULARS INFORMATION 1. SPICE+ FORM As part of Ease of Doing Business (EODB) initiative, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs deployed a new WEB FORM – ‘SPICE+’. SPICE+ Stands for Simplified Proforma for Incorporating Company […]

Concept of One Person Company(OPC) under Companies Act, 2013

Concept of one person Company OPC under Companies Act 2013 One Person Company is newly added in the Companies Act 2013, earlier there was no concept of a one-person Company.  The main aim was to promote the individual having the resources to form a company by reducing the complications and challenges faced while incorporation of […]

Road Map For Rights Issue

Road Map for Rights issue Sl.NO PARTICULARS REMARKS 1. Cut-off Date The shareholders of the company to be considered as on cut-off date. *Meaning of cut-off date:  It is the date fixed for taking record of shareholders to be eligible to participate in right issue. 2. Notice of BM Notice to be sent with agenda […]

Form MBP 1 and Format of Form MBP 1 (Companies Act)

Form MBP 1 and Format of Form MBP 1 From this article, you will get to know about Form MBP 1 and Format of Form MBP 1 (Companies Act, 2013). Section 184 (1) of the Companies Act 2013 requires that every director to make disclosure of his interest or concern in any company or firm […]

Format of board resolution to record disclosure of interest received from directors

Format of Board resolution to record disclosure of interest received from Directors Section 184 (1) of the Companies Act 2013 requires that every director make disclosure of his interest or concern in any company or firm or body corporate or any association of individuals at the first Board meeting or when there is any change […]

Issue of share certificate as per Companies Act, 2013

Issue of Share Certificate as per Companies Act 2013 Applicable Provisions: Section 46 (issue of share certificates) and sub-section (4) of section 56 (relating transfer and transmission of securities) read with Rule 5 of Companies (Share capital and debentures) Rules, 2014. The time period of issuing a share certificate (Section 56 (2)) A subscriber to […]

How to apply name of the NEW Company through MCA portal ?

How to Apply for NEW Company through MCA portal Apply name of the NEW Company through MCA portal Relevant provisions Section 4(4) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 8 & 9 of Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014. Relevant form Application of name can be filed through SPICe+ Part A under New Application as well as […]

Format of Resolution by Circulation

Format of Resolution by Circulation The following Resolution is intended to be passed by circulation as per the provisions of Section 175 of the Companies Act, 2013. A note explaining the urgency and necessity for passing the said Resolution by circulation and the supporting papers (if any) are enclosed. and also it includes particular  Format […]